Book Lists

Do you want to dive deeper into learning Christ but don’t know where to begin? Here are some recommended reading lists arranged by topic.
These lists are not exhaustive, but they will at least point the seeker in the right direction!
Books on the Cross
Austin-Sparks, T. The Centrality and Universality of the Cross. Emmanuel Church.
Fenelon, Francois. The Royal Way of the Cross. Paraclete Press. 1982.
Hegre, T. A. The Cross and Sanctification. Bethany Fellowship, Inc. 1962.
Mabie, Henry C. How Does the Death of Christ Save Us? Griffith & Rowland Press. 1908.
Mantle, J. Gregory. The Way of the Cross.
Maxwell, L. E. Born Crucified. Moody Press. 1973.
Metcalfe, J. C. The Spirit of Calvary. Overcomer Literature Trust.
Penn-Lewis, Jessie. All Things New. Christian Literature Crusade.
Penn-Lewis, Jessie. The Centrality of the Cross. Christian Literature Crusade.
Penn-Lewis, Jessie. The Climax of the Risen Life. Christian Literature Crusade.
Penn-Lewis, Jessie. The Cross – The Touchstone of Faith. Christian Literature Crusade.
Penn-Lewis, Jessie. The Cross of Calvary and Its Message. Christian Literature Crusade.
Penn-Lewis, Jessie. Dying to Live. Christian Literature Crusade.
Penn-Lewis, Jessie. Opened Heavens. Christian Literature Crusade.
Thomas, Maj. W. Ian. The Mystery of Godliness. Zondervan Publishing House, 1964.
Books on the Cross by Modern Authors
Carlson, D. A. The Cross and Christian Ministry. Baker Books, Grand Rapids, MI. 1993.
Fultz, Cameron. The Jesus Pictures. Cameron Fultz, 2012.
George, Bob. Classic Christianity. Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR. 1989.
Haller, Manfred. God’s Goal – Christ All in All. The SeedSowers, Sargent, GA. 1994.
Nee, Watchman. The Normal Christian Life. Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, PA 1977.
Olford, Stephen. Not I, But Christ. Crossway Books, Wheaton, IL. 1995.
Books on Union with Christ
Austin-Sparks, T. Union with Christ. Emmanuel Church, Tulsa, OK, 1990.
Finney, Charles G. Principles of Union with Christ. Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, MN, 1985.
Guyon, Madame. Union with God. Christian Books, Augusta, ME, 1981.
Hall, Joseph. Christ Mystical. Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1908.
Hall, Joseph. One with Christ (modernized abridgement of the above). The Overcomer Book Room, Bournemouth.
Kuykendall, David. Our Oneness with Christ. Calvary Baptist Church of Oak Cliff, Dallas, TX. 1990.
Legters, L.L. Union with Christ. Pioneer Mission Agency, Philadelphia, PA, 1933.
Moule, H.C.G. Thoughts on Union with Christ. Seely & Co., London, 1885.
Penn-Lewis, Jessie. Union with Christ in Death and Resurrection. Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington PA, 1990.
Pierson, A.T. Vital Union with Christ. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1961.
Pink, Arthur W. Spiritual Union and Communion. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1971.
Taylor, J. Hudson. Union and Communion. China Inland Mission, London, 1918.
Books on the Nature of Christ in the Believer
–. Him – His. Van Rees Press, New York, 1954. (NOTE: Newer Editions can be found with the author’s name: Giuseppe Petrelli).
Carmichael, Amy. “If…” Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, PA, 1966.
Law, William. Freedom from a Self-Centered Life. Dimension Books, Minneapolis, MN, 1977.
Penn-Lewis, Jessie. The Silence of Jesus. The Overcomer Book Room, Bournemouth, England.
Steinberger, G. In the Footprints of the Lamb. Bethany Fellowship, Inc. Minneapolis, MN, 1978.
Stockmayer, Otto. The Divine Captivity (Revised and Condensed). Three Brothers. Staunton, VA.
Watson, George D. Soul Food. Revivalist Office, Cincinnati, OH, 1896.