InHim Ministries
We Love Jesus!
When Jesus died on the Cross, He changed everything. Now, there is a new creation. All that is old has passed away. Behold Him! All things are new!
This site is dedicated to lifting up the Lord Jesus Christ in His Cross and in His nature living in us. But how can we learn Him without a heart-pursuit? Here, the hungry heart will find literature both old and new to assist in its pursuit of Christ.
Come follow the Dove to the Cross and then into the nature of the Son!

Through the Ages, A Massive Outflow of Christ

Original books and articles from this ministry that magnify Christ and Him crucified are available for study and meditation on the Lord.

The Cross of Christ and His nature within the believer comprise the true gospel. Come receive from the men and women of God through the ages who preached Him.

Do you want to dive deeper into learning Christ but don't know where to begin? Here are some great books that can lead you to Jesus, arranged by topic.