Countless of the Lord’s precious saints have testified to Christ and Him Crucified through the ages.
We pray that you meditate and drink deeply of the Spirit in these quotes.
They are arranged by category:
Christ in You
“Jesus died for me; Jesus is henceforth to dwell and live in me. Unless we realize both these truths, we do not realize God.”
– Adolph Saphir
“It is one of the great principles of Christianity that everything which happened to Jesus Christ should come to pass in the soul and in the body of each Christian.”
– Blaise Pascal
“To be filled with the Holy Spirit is to be filled with the life of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
– Miles J. Stanford
“I would like Thy life to be my starting point rather than my goal.”
– George Matheson
“That indwelling of Christ in the believing heart is to be regarded as being a plain literal fact.”
– Alexander MacLaren
“Beloved, be assured the Lord pays far more attention to what comes out of your inner life than what comes out of your mouth.”
– Watchman Nee
“Your sermons last but an hour or two; your life preaches all the week.”
– Robert Murray M’Cheyne
“I have no longer anything of me or mine; my “me” is Jesus, and my “mine” is to be wholly His.”
– Catherine of Genoa
“Consider the indwelling Christ as desired by the apostle [Paul] for all Christians.”
– Alexander MacLaren
“There are many who preach Christ, but not so many who live Christ; my great aim will be to live Christ.”
– Robert Cleaver Chapman
“I used to ask God to help me. Then I asked God if I might help Him. I ended up by asking Him to do his work through me.”
– Hudson Taylor
The Cross
“For many religious people, the Cross of Christ is either a stumbling block or a laughing stock (I Cor. 1:23). For this reason the message [of the Cross] is so necessary for true overcomers in the Christian life.”
– Stephen F. Olford
“To die to ourselves and to live for Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit as a consequence of His death for us on the cross, that is the gospel, the whole faith, the whole Christian life.”
– Adolphe Monod
“The altar is a beautiful type; it is a Scriptural figure, and I am resting upon it. And the altar, which is Christ, sanctifies the gift.”
– Mrs. Phoebe Palmer
“Only a crucified preacher can preach a crucified Christ.”
– Basil Malof
“Postpone the coronation and accept the crucifixion.”
– A. T. Pierson
“Is looking at God the same as dying to myself? Yes.”
– Eugenia Price
“Begin the Christian race from the Cross, and whenever you grow faint or weary, look back to it.”
– Thomas Adam
“To walk with Him is to walk the Way of the Cross.”
– Elisabeth Elliot
“The more we look at the Cross, the more we shall see God could not be glorified any other way.”
– J. N. Darby
“Salvation is not according to the flesh, but contrary to it; not from death, but through it.”
– A. J. Gordon
“If you want to reject an evil person, begin with yourself.”
– Guigo I
“God has only one way of bringing all to Himself; viz. by martyrdom, or the crucifixion of our wills.”
– Thomas Adam
“Salvation is the fellowship with the crucified Christ in the spirit of His Cross.”
– Andrew Murray
Christ As Nature
“For the life [of Christ] carries with it the nature, and the forming within us of that nature is the learning of our life’s lesson.”
– W. Hay M. H. Aitken
“Blessed is the man or woman who is able to serve cheerfully in the second rank.”
– Mary Slessor
“‘We all thought him perfect,’ said one great Christian of another, ‘till he said he was.’”
– Unknown
Christ Must Be Revealed
“One glad, sweet morning, God wrought mightily in my soul. All alone in my room, God revealed His Son in me.”
– Samuel Logan Brengle
“Christ will stand a great deal of knowing.”
– John McNeill
“For every look at self, take ten looks at Christ.”
– Richard Baxter
“Sense Knowledge cannot find God and would not know God if it found Him.”
– E. W. Kenyon
“We have to read the Bible to understand the Christian life, and we must penetrate far into that life in order to understand the Bible. How beautifully the one interprets the other!”
– Elizabeth Prentiss
“You have got to learn to see great things great and small things small.”
– Corrie Ten Boom
Conformed to the image of the son
“It is one thing that the image of God should have been placed before you; it is a very different thing that you should be changed into that image.”
– George Bowen
“Do not spend your time and strength in asking for me that blessing, but this – that I may be transformed into the image of Christ in His own time, in His own way.”
– Elizabeth Prentiss
“O let me so long eye Thee, till I be turned into Thee, and look upon me till Thou art formed in me, that I may be a mirror of Thy brightness, an habitation of Thy Love, and a temple of Thy glory.”
– Thomas Traherne
“Suffering with Christ is a natural phase of a Christian’s life and experience.”
– Lewis Sperry Chafer
“Some of His children must go into the furnace to testify that the Son of God is there with them; I do not know why I should insist on not being one of them.”
– Elizabeth Prentiss